L u c i d p h e n o m e n o n

KyoEaiX1IRhYDMej4cYWW5TvZW5zuBN7L6Dp174p568our life. experiencing the sacred moment. each teardrop. every raindrop. the clouds falling across the sky, stars exploded in the night. the whoosh of traffic. the glimmering towers of the city. the thumping music below, calling sirens from the rock and sirens in the street. waking up in chaos, and touching the earth of our precious human birth. what else is there? simply the moment to moment reality of a life that will never be as we expect it to be. if that is a blessing, then we believe in magic and our life is our own. If the fact life exists independently of our plans is a burden, then our magic is no good here. try as we might, our life is not scripted solely by ourselves. the only truth is complete acceptance, opening and surrender to what is. letting go of what we hoped it would be.

but, who was it that was hoping, anyway?

so much of our “hopes” were scripted by everyone else. our minds are vast and largely unpredictable. yet our actions are often rote. forged by circumstances deep in our past, we wander neural pathways to the same destinations again and again. all the while believing in an alternate mental construct that only occasionally interfaces with reality.

how do we know what we want, if we don’t know who we are?

and not knowing is the fist step. knowing that we don’t know is the seed of wisdom. and, we know we’re unhappy. maybe always have been. and we want things to change for us. but, instead of changing our life based on what we think we know, which is often what we were trained to know, we can look at where we are. we can discover who we are and accept what is. investigating our life, learning from our experience can happen when we accept who we are. completely. complete surrender to what is.

and then things can change. In fact, everything will, because everything does. when we surrender to what is, and still rise up and move forward, we are working with what is, we are partnering with reality. which means we’re here to learn. which means we’re here to fail.

and we all know how the story ends. yes. life is a series of mistakes culminating in death. sorry that. but its how the universe rolls. so, lets make it good. treat ourselves with respect and each other with kindness and make this the best world it can be for all of us.  one breath at a time. 




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