During this time of personal, social, and environmental stress, developing compassion is so important.  Yet, compassion isn’t always the first thing we think of when we feel attacked and triggered. If we unpack becoming triggered, we find we often become triggered when we feel overwhelmed and victimized. When this is the case, we most reflexively adopt a defensive posture. This is understandable. We close our eyes and start swinging. This action perfectly describes what compassion is not.

First, compassion is open eyed. When we are open to a situation, our response can be appropriate. If we are truly in danger, nothing is served by refusing to look at our situation. With our eyes open we can better determine the best response to secure our safety.  Secondly, when we start blindly swinging, we are reacting without conscious thought. Compassion is responding appropriately to our triggers, with our eyes and our mind open. On the other hand, neurosis is reacting blindly in ways that are rarely appropriate. Neuroses are maladaptive reactions. Whether lashing out, grasping, or running away these reactions are rarely a conscious choice. Our fear is creating an urgency that disallows the ability to slow down and see clearly. Usually, this means we don’t trust ourselves. It takes a certain self-possession to trust ourselves enough to stand in the fray of rising emotions and look before we hit send.

If compassion is the ability to act appropriately, even – and perhaps especially – when we feel attacked, then we must learn to love ourselves enough to be on our own side while we feel attacked. Compassion is predicated upon having compassion for ourselves. Many Buddhist traditions refer to Maitri as the necessary precondition for true compassion. Maitri, or loving kindness, means we are accepting ourselves and our situation before we react. If we learn to care for ourselves, we have the strength to pause before we try and change anything. It is not selfish to do this. It is essential.

Caring for ourselves need not be indulgent. Retreating to a warm bath to replenish ourselves is selfcare. Hanging out in the bath until we’ve become a prune in order to avoid our life, is not. So, Maitri is often described as “making friends” with ourselves and our situations. We are keeping a respectable distance from our pain, and not getting lost in neither the pain, nor the selfcare. The point is not the bath. The point is using the bath to restore our ability to respond accurately to life. By making friends with ourselves, we are making friends with our neurosis, with our triggers, our doubt and confusion. Maitri is making friends with the moment. The method to making friends is to become familiar with the situation. It is becoming familiar with ourselves. This is, perhaps, the most important result of our meditation practice. We keep coming back to the breath and our mindfulness of the breath creates the space for us to become familiar with ourselves. The patience to be present with each breath develops into the fortitude to be present in our lives.

Familiarity allows us to be less reactive with ourselves. This allows us to be with ourselves long enough to begin to see what we do. Seeing without reacting leads to accepting. This is why recognition is followed by acceptance in our practice directives. Rather than reacting to things we see about ourselves, meditation offers us the space to accept them. When we have the space to accept ourselves, we have the space to accept others. And that space with others, or circumstances in our life, allows us the opportunity to respond in ways that may be helpful, rather than harmful.

Once we are able to slow down and see ourselves, we can begin to see that we can work with ourselves. We learn that by acceptance of our own craziness we are less reactive with ourselves. In this way, we become less reactive of others. When we accept the crazy within ourselves, we begin to see that we are not unlike everyone else. When someone is hurting us, we might see the pain that is motivating them to be reactive. Then perhaps we can feel empathy. In any case, since we have created the loving space of non-reaction, we can perhaps see commonalities between ourselves and the other – even if they fail to see this themselves.

As we progress on the path of compassion, we have more responsibility. At some point, we have less need for others to respond as we want them to. If our actions are determined by what we expect from others, then we are compromised and not acting with true compassion. Compassionate action is giving without expecting anything in return. No giver, no gift, no receiver it is said. This is not to be Mother Teresa, necessarily. It is a very practical way to live. We just let go of what we are giving and trust ourselves enough to simply give. In a world of neurotic reaction taking a moment to pause and respond beyond the urgings of egoic defenses, is a gift. And we give this gift to others, and to ourselves. Not asking anything in return, leaves us free of resentment and expectation.

We don’t need grand gestures to be compassionate.  We just need to be friendly enough with ourselves that our friendliness extends naturally to others. This will increase the possibility of goodness in our life. And it will allow us to see the goodness that we already have. In this crazy dangerous world, there is still much love. As compassion is a natural quality of the universe, it is always there for us. When we have the humble openness to accept ourselves and accept love, we are able to love others even when threatened. With loving acceptance, we come to see that there is only love.

And just as giving can be devoid of demand and expectation, so can receiving. All we need to do to connect to the compassion of the universe is to remember we are loved. No matter how badly we feel or how damaged we’ve become all we need to do is remember how fortunate we are to be here. No matter how dangerous life is becoming, it is a blessing to be here and have the ability to help others.

As we become more compassionate, we have more ability to help this world, so much in need.



I used to live life driven by expectation. Not just expectation, but outright demand. As you can imagine, I was disappointed much of the time. “It always breaks my heart in two. It happens all the time.”

That disappointment with life led to judgement, resentment, and blame. I blamed all the people in my life who refused to play along with my fantasies. I carried my resentments around like bundles of old laundry.  Which, you know, tended to smell. I got used to the smell and the effort, but other people tended to move away. This led to further resentment. “No one understands me.” Or, as Phil Everly wrote, and Linda Ronstadt so beautifully sang, “When will I be loved?” I remember thinking ‘easy for her to say’ as she was a heartbreakingly beautiful woman with a voice that could crumble mountains. Yet after a number of high-profile relationships, Linda never married, citing “the problem of finding someone that can stand you!” ‘Pick me! Pick me!’ I would think. But the truth is, I had relationships with wonderful people who nonetheless failed to meet the fantastical imaginings of my brain.

The fact that I took these relationships for granted at the time never stopped me from thinking back on what could have been afterwards. This game allowed me to fall deeper into the cycle of resentment.  And, in this way, I was never alone. I had all my bags of laundry. There really wasn’t room for anyone else. All my relationships involved group sex. Me, my partner, and everyone else yammering about in my brain. I needed to make room for myself  before I could find room for anyone else. Obviously, I had to clear some things out.

The path of meditation is one of deconstructing and decumulating rather than accumulating. We are such an acquisitionally oriented species, we find it hard to fathom releasing ourselves from the grip of things. Meditation practice encourages us to open up, release our panicked grip on everything and let go. Letting go is not pushing anything away. It’s not throwing out the emo-laundry. It’s about no longer carrying it around everywhere. Maybe we throw out some, give some away, take the time to clean and fold the rest. Some of this laundry has made us who we are. We all have that kid’s onesie or football jersey we just can’t part with. But all of us can make some room for us to breathe.

We can forgive some attachments however that shouldn’t keep us from becoming anything else we might become.

We keep ourselves from becoming all we might become when we lock ourselves in the vicious cycle of expectation. Expectation leads to disappointment, which leads to resentment, that leads to judgements of all kinds. Thus, many of us carry a dull weight everywhere. We find it hard to move on with life. This discouragement causes depression. And an easy fix is to assign blame.  But blame is self-aggressive and tends to add more weight. We give away our agency and power. We become hostages to our own mind and try to escape the weight with drugs, alcohol, chocolate, or emotions. But anything we do sends us careening away from ourselves. These strategies only add more weight.

The path of meditation suggests that none of this is wrong. Wow. Imagine. All this dysfunction and none of it is wrong?  But, if our lives are complicated by dysfunction then if we can’t love dysfunction, what can we love? These strategies are only attempts to shield us from ourselves. We are so worried about the disappointments that we blame ourselves. And blame is unbearable as long as we’re holding on to living up to the expectation of who we think we should be. What if we could let go of all the blame, all the expectation, all the discouragement and just allowed ourselves to become what we are? Imagine today is the beginning of a new life for ourselves, where instead of living up to our old ways of thinking, we allow ourselves to begin to see who we are? What if we started that process from believing in ourselves? What if our life was oriented toward our potential and away from disappointment?

Meditation practice offers us the perfect template to train our mind away for disappointment. Each time we come back to the breath we are boycotting the conflagration of compounded thoughts and feelings and simply return to now. Then we complicate again, of course, so then we return again to now. It’s like Buddha’s razor. Cutting back to the simplicity of now. Whatever we did then is past and trying to fix it is only a complication we don’t need. In science or philosophy “Occam’s Razor” is the notion that the simplest answer is best. Buddha’s razor is training our mind toward the simplest answer, which is always in the present. We cut back to now.

With meditation we cut complication to clarity. Clarity is space. And with space, we have more room. We might find the drawer space to put our clean sox. As our mind becomes organized, we might notice our room has windows. At some point, beyond the windows, we might see the possibility of life beyond resentment and blame.

There is an old Monty Python skit.  A dad and son are looking out a window of their stately manor. The dad says, “Son, someday all this will be yours.” And the son looks to his dad and says, “What? The curtains?” And then dad rejoins, “No. Beyond the curtains.” To which the son asks, “Oh, you mean the window?”

And this is how my life was for so long. Living in the tightly bound knot of fantasy, expectation, disappointment, resentment and depression. The only way to untie that knot was the repetitive and boring practice of Shamatha. Returning my mind back to now, again and again until I found the space to breathe.

The answer to Linda’s question of “when will I be loved” is now. And we are the one to do it. In fact, we are the only one. And now is where we start.



There are times we lag, times we resist and times we flat out refuse. In these moments, wrapped in the fabric of time and space, we hold tightly, becoming an emotional black hole. With infinite density, we sink deep into the universe.

And this is a beautiful place to begin.

For absolute darkness is where time began. This is where space was born. This is the place from which life ascends. The next time you meet that sacred space, allow yourself to rest. Quell the voices of judgement and disdain for they are not your voice, and they are not the voices of life. Hold to the broken and listen for the cries of our wounded children. Here we can open our hearts to ourselves. Here we are truly human.

And know that in this broken dark, we can begin again. Instead of believing that this is final, with all hope ended, we must know that we are just beginning. We need only try and relax and open to the life around us. We are bonded to life, for all life is born of pain. We are one with life forged in the violence of being.  We are part of reality stretched by the merciless bands of time. We are at the center of it all.

It is very common for us to shun the parts that hurt, turning from the pain in shame and denial. But when we do this, aren’t we turning away from ourselves?  And we are turning away at a time we most need help and support? We lock ourselves away from pain by tensing our body in false reactive protection and girding our minds with false protective stories. But this tension only amplifies the pain. As our discomfort funnels from the body we tighten our neurological gauge with tension and increase the pressure to our mind. The more tense we become, the more pressure we send to the brain. Trauma from our past, anxiety about the future, fear of the shadows growing around all converge on us. Our brain, charged with ensuring our survival, becomes overwhelmed and shuts down.

Are we fighting for our survival? We are certainly fighting – but is there anything in this moment actually attacking us but ourselves? So, the first question we ask is: what is actually happening now?  Catastrophic thoughts aside, are we actually in danger right now? Or is this fight for survival simply a pattern we’ve learned – an echo of past trauma?

The next question we ask is, what do you need right now?

When we look into our experience, we may not get answers. We may not feel better. We may not understand a thing.  However, we are paying attention to ourselves.  And that attention is love. Whether we like ourselves right now or not, by holding space for however we feel, we are loving ourselves in this moment.  And, if we are suffering from anxiety and depression, then we are loving ourselves at a time we really, really need it. We can choose not to hold back. We can choose to love. No matter how angry we are at ourselves, no matter how disappointed we are in ourselves, we can choose to simply be there with us. Like the love of the sun for the flowers. Flowers don’t beg to be loved, they simply are loved. People with their big brains have so much to think about that we have to remind ourselves that we are loved. No matter what our brain is shouting, no matter what the world is demanding, here in this moment, in our heart to heart, we are loved.

And what I need right now is love. All we have to do is remember.

Holding space for our pain means the body is actually opening. We don’t have to figure or fathom or fix. We breathe into the body and release the tension. As we breathe, the body opens and we are able to hold this moment with loving arms. There is nothing we have done wrong. There is nothing to explain, and no reason for shame. We don’t need to feel embarrassed or incapable. These broken moments feel lonely because we experience this transformation alone. Just us and our broken moment and the breath. Be kind. Be loving. Be patient.

And, as soon as we begin to settle, we can see that all beings have these feelings. All beings experience these things. All life has its broken moments. And, as we stop struggling with the moments, we release our grip and open in acceptance. Then love flows through us. Blood movies again. The nervous system returns to fluid communication. Our hearts begin to bloom. As we hold ourselves with open arms, we see that we are not alone. We are held in the loving hands of the universe. We are born of love, and when the time is right for our hearts to bloom, we will manifest that love.

As we breathe, we remove the blocks that have been keeping us from our spirit. ANd when the spirit is released, it is one with all life around it. And when we are ready to move, we can begin to move. Although we may be tired, broken or discouraged, this is the time to dance. Even if our dance is halting and slow, it will begin to grow.  Even if we are unsure, our movement will find courage.

Even if we are by ourselves, we are not alone. We are dancing with the universe.


PIC: is by the artist Yuko Tatsushima


Acceptance is an integral step on our spiritual journey. Tara Brach and Pema Chodron, in particular, speak eloquently of its importance. In the well-known “RAIN” template, acceptance follows recognition as the foundation of mindfulness. Once we see what is happening, the important and immediate next step is to open to the experience. An essential point here is that acceptance is opening.

Acceptance, however, does not imply agreement. We may be unhappy with circumstances and wish for them to change. But, before we can effectively change any situation, we have to understand what it is we are experiencing. The Buddhist path and the 12-step traditions begin with acknowledging and accepting our present circumstance. The Buddha taught that the path to the cessation of suffering begins with the recognition of our suffering. The 12-step tradition begins with the acknowledgment of our powerlessness over addiction. Both traditions have an effective success rate in helping people move toward greater self-awareness. Both begin with recognition and acceptance of our actual circumstance. Again, acceptance here is not agreement. It is taking responsibility for the moment by owning our experience. We may be seeing a situation that has kept us imprisoned for a long time. This is challenging. But it is happening, nonetheless. The only thing we can effectively change are our feelings. We can choose to struggle with what is happening, or we can release ourselves from the struggle by letting go of our grip and opening to the experience.

When we open to an experience, whether pleasant or uncomfortable, we are able to see and learn from it. What does this experience have to teach us? If we decide to seek the courage to change, we are well equipped to navigate the landscape. If it is not the time for change, we can make a mindful and intentional decision to accept ourselves in the moment and rest there. We are under no obligation except to be here.

Sustainable change that makes a profound difference in our life is based on self-awareness born of self-acceptance. This will lead to further understanding. This effective, mindful change is different from the neurotic fidgeting that offers a temporary release from tension. This superficial change is flailing about in avoidance. Many of us have experienced losing weight only to gain the weight right back when we’ve stopped the diet. Sustainable change based on self-awareness is dependent upon self-acceptance. Before we can change ourselves, we have to love ourselves. Even circumstances that annoy or frighten us can be met with loving kindness. Dr. King taught that the Lord told us to love our enemies. However, he explained, the Lord didn’t say we had to like them. The best way to change situations that we feel are unhealthy is to begin by accepting ourselves with loving kindness. This situation is not our fault. Before we can change anything in a meaningful way, we must accept the situation, but also accept ourselves and how we feel. We are facing a challenge. Acceptance means we might accept not liking the situation at all.

Acceptance of ourselves may be the most important thing we can learn in life.

Until we accept ourselves, we are in discord with life. Without acceptance we are at war. Desynchronized from our path, we live under a false-protective layer of fantasy. If we don’t accept ourselves, we can’t see ourselves. If we can’t see ourselves, we can’t see the path. By accepting ourselves, and whatever painful circumstance we may be experiencing, we take a necessary step in synchronizing with our spiritual journey.

But this is the why. Now let’s look at the how. The method for effective acceptance is to have loving kindness for oneself. This is called Maitri in Sanskrit. Acceptance means taking a hard look at the situation, but the only way to take a hard look is to be very gentle. This seeming dichotomy can be seen as a balance between the two complementary poles of wisdom and compassion. Wisdom and compassion are the two wings of the bird of awareness that work in synchronicity and achieve a balance. Wisdom is the clarity to see the naked truth of ourselves and our life. Compassion allows us to be kind with that knowledge.

Remember the game called “operation”?  The player had to move carefully to remove the wrench from the patient’s knee for if they hit the sides an alarm would ring. In the same way, we must be precise and gentle with our investigation so as not to trigger our defenses. The most profound part of accepting our life is accepting ourselves. The method is to love ourselves – even the parts we don’t like or would rather not see. In fact, lovingkindness can be applied especially to the parts we don’t like. By loving the broken parts of ourselves, we allow them to heal. By hating parts of ourselves, we subject them to an imprisonment, and they cannot change. The parts of ourselves we reject become frozen in time as we relive ancient injuries over and over again.

Holding the heart, we allow those things we wish to change in and give them the chance to heal.

Full acceptance is when we apply loving kindness with patience and humility. Patience as we learn to accept things we have been turning away from for so long. Humility as we learn we don’t have to be perfect. We don’t have to live up to anyone else’s ideas. We don’t have to apologize or rationalize to anyone. We are not obligated to anyone’s opinion or ideas. Our only obligation is to our own path and our own beliefs. To repurpose a line from an old movie, acceptance means you never have to say you’re sorry. We can accept who we are, as we are. We don’t have to do it right.  We don’t have to clean ourselves up in order to accept ourselves. When acceptance is fused with lovingkindness, we can learn to love ourselves as an imperfect work in progress. Of course, along with the loving acceptance, we still have to look directly. So, its wisdom and compassion. We love but are nonetheless willing to see who we are. And then we learn to love that. And then we look some more.

Finally, acceptance is a practice. We look for progress rather than outcome. We will make mistakes. We will fail repeatedly, sometimes miserably. But, just as in our meditation practice, we train ourselves to return. We come back to balance. We will accept ourselves again and again and, in this way, will develop greater and greater compassion for ourselves and our world.










Tonight’s discussion is about independence. True independence. Not just our yearly excuse to eat poorly, drink excessively, and blow stuff up, but the spiritual uncoupling of ourselves to the bonds that keep us imprisoned. The Shambhala Tradition references the cocoon, which is a protective enclosure fabricated by habitual patterns of attack and avoidance. Once it’s served its initial insulative purpose, a cocoon becomes a combative imprisonment as we become dependent on its protective patterns. The “4th” has been a tradition for many of us, although our behavior on the day is often simply habitual. Habitual behavior causes us to lose awareness as activities become rote, and our holidays frequently devolve into excuses for indulgence, as they lose all meaning.

Independence Day in the U.S. is the celebration of freedom from the rule of those labeled as oppressors. Phrases like “independence from tyranny” were shouted from the streets to excite the passions of the populace. Our independence was dependent on a struggle with a perceived enemy.  This is a very human pattern. We invoke a dangerous other against whom we can forge an identity.  But, in reality, apples don’t fall far from trees.  We were fighting for our independence from friends and family; those who would become our closest allies. Revolutions are often a reiteration of the same patterns. In the words of the 20th century philosopher Peter Townsend, “Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.” When we push against anything it pushes back and we become karmically bonded to it. We also become bonded to the struggle. When our identity is dependent on struggle, are we actually independent?

In Buddhist terms, we differentiate “true” from “conditioned”. True refers to that which is preexisting, inherent and natural to our experience. Conversely, most conventional understanding is conditional, based on conventions developed as survival strategies. Conditional independence is an idea that offers us a sense of freedom, although freedom that is dependent on the struggle against another. When our self-worth is dependent upon anyone or anything else, are we truly free?   On the other hand, True independence is the result of a personal inner journey to free ourselves from psychological and societal dependencies. If struggle binds us to our adversary, surrender is the first step to our independence. The key to surrender is letting go. Letting go is releasing our grip. We are not letting go of our heart, our inner journey, or our dignity. We are surrendering our panic constricted clenching. We are letting go of identification with the struggle, and freeing ourselves from the centrifuge of its aggression.

Independence Day marks the anniversary of the birth of our nation. But as that independence was born of aggression, it was in fact dependent upon struggle. Therefore, throughout our history, we have been karmically bound to aggression.  Our identity has been defined by the enemies we have vanquished or fought against. And while our survival depended upon many struggles to which we can be grateful, our social and political identities are forged against those who we are not, and to those struggles that we remain continually indebted. Our national identity relies on a co-dependence with our world.  But true independence – or liberation – is a surrender to our deepest human experience, which opens to the possibility that while we are individually unique, we are not different from each other. Our enemies want the same things as our families. In fact, our enemies are our families. As Shantideva said, “all beings want to be happy.” Finding the commonality is key to a healthy connection to our world.

When we connect to our deepest sense of being, we are touching something very inmate and personal that is nonetheless shared, in multifarious ways, with all beings. Whenever we are able to surrender and release ourselves from identification with our struggles, we are able to connect to others without the co-dependencies to which we’ve become conditioned. Our world can become more informed by what is actually out there, then just a marketplace to fuel our broken needs. By connecting to the essential goodness in ourselves, we connect to the basic goodness in others. This is interdependence. Our once lonely path of self-realization leads to the understanding that we are actually connected to all the life around us. By looking into our intimate selves, we gain the strength to realize we are not indebted to anyone; but connected to everyone.

It is great to celebrate the historical date of our nation’s independence by having hamburgers on the grill, and scaring our dogs as we blow things up. But to those committed to the path of liberation or true independence, it is also good to celebrate daily with a meditation practice that strengthens our ability to let go and connect to the basic goodness of ourselves and our world. Each time we come back to the present, we add light to our cocoon. Eventually, we see the cocoon as temporary, and its habitual patterns as temporary maladaptive strategies we are meant to grow beyond. The butterfly needs to struggle for the strength to free itself from the cocoon. But once free, it is able to fly into the beautiful world, which is its birthright.

12-step recovery traditions ask that we “find the serenity to accept things we cannot change,” so that we may develop the courage to change the things we can. The point is to develop the wisdom to free ourselves from attachment and addiction. Or as is said in another prayer, that we  “become liberated from the bonds of self.”  Our wisdom connects us to the wisdom mind inherent in all beings.

Wisdom lights the path to our liberation. And liberation is the ground for a healthy inter-connection to our world.

The picture today is of a young Chogyam Trungpa with one of his two primary teachers, Khenpo Gangshar. They are gesturing with the awake mudra, which is also a nod to surrender to the eventualities being imposed by the Chinese Communist armed forces. Although many Tibetans fought valiantly, the change was inevitable.   The tragic overthrow of Tibet’s medieval government ultimately served to liberate its teachings in a spiritual diaspora that is enriching the modern world to this day.  The heart essence of those practices lies in the belief in the basic goodness of all beings and so was relatable to people in all walks of life.