The OG yogis, in their old-school yoga days, referred to their path as leading to the perfection of human experience. Okay. But what is meant by perfection? And according to whom and what metric?

A worldly path to perfection is quantifiable in comparison to our world.  As vicious as it may be, it is comforting to judge our progress with standard quantifiable metrics. Are we becoming richer, thinner, or more popular?  Do our peers turn their heads in admiration, or avert their glances in disdain? Whenever we have the wherewithal to stop and look, are we able to see our world? Or do we only see how far up the ladder we are?

And where the heck does that ladder lead anyway?

Progress on a spiritual path is not perfect at all. It is based on reality.  But our mind needs to be trained to see reality. It needs to be disabused of believing in incremental progress toward a perfected state. While a material path may be leading to a defined sum, the spiritual path leads to being here. And here is a very changeable state.

We can become misled if we measure the path by worldly benchmarks. A worldly path leads to material accumulation. Materialism refers to  anything we believe is real, that can be quantified, and that we cling to in order to enhance our personal value. However, reading the fine print on this contract, we see that by placing these things above us, material things become our overlords. This is true of money.  Is our money working for our life, or are we living for money? This is also true of our beliefs, such as believing in spiritual attainment as though it was a thing that gave our life meaning. Our life gives spirituality its meaning. Which is to say a spiritual path leads to life. From this point of view, progress on the path is seeing where we really are in life. Are we more connected to our life, our family, our own mind? Or are we retreating into the fantasies of an ego state as we try to attain some vague thing that we believe will save us?

Progress on a wisdom path is letting go into what is here. It is living with acceptance that worldly metrics are not reliable and that our value comes from how deeply we understand our own mind and being. Are we clearer now? Are we more aware of our feelings? Are we able to be present in our life? Do we experience joy in life independent of any material cause? Are we able to experience negativity without deflecting the feeling with blame, or deadening it with substances? How much are we able to simply be?

It is said that the journey is the goal or the path is the fruition. Where are we going? Right here. When will we get there? Now. Our goal is the progressive stages to be here. And realization is happening all the time. The idea of perfection is an ego fantasy that keeps us from trying. WE WILL NEVER GET IT RIGHT! Nor will it ever be perfect. The idea of perfection is lazy science. Do we even know what perfect means?  Maybe it’s just an excuse to berate ourselves. Or is it an excuse not to even try?

The spiritual path is never straightforward. The development of wisdom in our life simply will not conform to the linear way our egoic mind conceives it. If our view is to develop wisdom, remove the veils of ego deception and be more helpful to our world, and if we are willing to train our minds to get there, then we can see our progress by learning to look with acceptance and love. One of the tools of mind training is to learn to see ourselves. And seeing is an experience. When I am thinking about where I am with judgement, then it is an ego qualification that, by nature, will always lead to dissatisfaction. But when I see myself with loving acceptance I see that I have come a great way. I see how much more caring I am, and how much clearer I am. It is very good to give ourselves a break. We are already wisdom beings.

We are already here. Progress is how much we see.




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